Applications for Global Rice Leadership Awards will be considered March 31, June 30, Sept 30, Dec 31. Awards will be announced within a month. All awardees must have a US bank account.

You may receive up to $7500 for work on any subject related to rice in the developing world

GRRF annually grants up to US $7,500 per scholar for travel, scientific research, education, or artistic work about rice in developing rice-producing countries. You must be a student or scholar (of any nationality) registered at an accredited U.S. university or college and have a letter of support from a member of your school’s faculty. All awardees must also have a US bank account. Creative artists must illustrate their qualifications. You must provide a full project budget and tell us where you will get additional funds beyond the US $7,500 if your proposed work requires it. 

GRRF encourages applications that involve travel to and study at U.S. or developing country institutions. Applicants who would like GRRF’s assistance with identifying institutions and researchers in such locations who might be open to hosting students with their interests should make that request on their application.

Applications are evaluated based on clarity of the proposal, the likely contribution to furthering knowledge of rice science, potential of applicant to become an outstanding professional, strength of the linkage with a collaborator or mentor in the rice world, the likely benefit to the applicant from the collaboration.

Submit your application using the HOW TO APPLY LINK at the top of the page. 

Thais Fernanda Stella de Freitas (in photo at right), a 2011 Awardee is now a Professor at Federal University of Pampa and is a member of the GRRF Board of Trustees.

GRRF scholars in a pollination lab of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI): Jenna Reeger (left) and Ana Bossa Castro watch Hussain Sharifi take a stab at pollinating a rice plant during IRRI’s 9th annual Rice: Research to Production course. All three were winners of a GRRF Travel and Study Grant that financed their trip to IRRI in the Philippines for the 3-week course. Read more about them on the Award Winners page.